How does Paraclete Guidance work?Paraclete Guidance is a dynamic assessment tool that gives you an 10 point profile that objectifies your inner voice for a clear and deep understanding that transcends rational thought so you can make better informed decisions for every circumstance and relationship you may face.
Who can do Paraclete Guidance? Everyone!The great truths behind Paraclete Guidance are taken from the wisdom of the Bible, but you don't need to believe in the Bible any more than you need to believe in gravity. It still works, regardless of your belief. Jobs was probably a Hindu, Einstein believed in a Creator, but not a personal God, and by most accounts, Spielberg is considered an atheist. Intuition is universal. Paraclete Guidance brings great clarity to your intuition. Each of those three men had highly developed "listening skills". Paraclete facilitates your own ability to hear clearly. (Read my blog on the Nature of Intuition)